Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 7th 2010

First off a quick Happy Birthday yesterday to my little brother Andrew, I know you have been watching over us for 40 years now, and it is comforting to know that you are sitting with God and smiling down upon us!

Brandy and I are still doing really good, Easter Sunday was a little rough and we fell off the path that day, but we knew we were going to and we jumped right back on and that is what is important. I am moving my focus only slightly, the more I read and the more I learn I am beginning to believe that 100% Raw Vegan is not the only answer. However I still believe that a super high raw vegan lifestyle is the rout I am taking. I never said from the beginning I would be 100% anything, except for 100% committed to getting healthy! What I am concentrating on is eating 98 to 99% whole foods, I still believe processed food are killing the people of this world! I am thinking 95% vegan and 95% raw and when I eat the other 5% (cooked) it needs to be whole foods!

I honestly believe that most people could cure there obesity, just by simply eliminating processed foods from there diet. Six things that are making us fat and killing us are #1 partially hydrogenated vegetable oil #2 high fructose corn syrup #3 monosodium glutamate (MSG) #4 enriched bleached flour #5 processed cane sugar #6 artificial sweeteners All of the above are chemically made processed junk, and two to three of each are in almost every bit of boxed or canned food that we buy on the shelf, sometimes all of them are contained in one item! Something as unassuming as coffee mate has the first two ingredients on its label as PHVO and HFCS

Do some research and learn about the 6 things I listed, and for your own sake do not go to the manufacturer or FDA website to do your research! But I think you will be amazed at what the studies that have been done show about how this stuff effects our bodies!

Oh and one more quick note, if your toothpaste has fluoride in it, throw it away! Fluoride is a toxic waste product that is destroying our thyroid function, which in turn is screwing up our hormone production which is a big part of the obesity in this country, let alone all of the other bad side effects of this toxic waste!

Have a healthy day,

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