Thursday, February 11, 2010

What makes people fat?????

Good question huh, what makes the human race fat? Is it Carbohydrates? Is it Protein? Is it Fat? Well if you like me, are overweight and you think about how you got to be like this. Can you look back and say for sure that I am fat because I ate to much of one breakdown of food over the other, chances are you could not. As a matter of fact most humans eat a pretty balanced diet when it comes to carbs, fat and protein.

Ok so we can not chalk it up to one of the three calorie containing components of food so, look at food its self did you eat nothing but steak at every meal for the last 10 years, I highly doubt it. So in that case Steak did not make you fat, how about nothing but pizza, nope not that OK so why are we, especially americans so overweight? Well the first part of that word can sum it up we are OVERweight because we OVERindulge! We OVEReat, we are as a general rule OVER sedentary in other words we eat too much and we do not move our bodies enough.

If my body only burns 4000 calories a day to maintain its normal function, and I eat 4300 calories a day thats just 300 hundred extra a day I will gain 30 pounds in one year! do that for 3 years in a row and I am 90 pounds overweight and considered clinically obese, even at my 6'4" height. Now how important is exercise? Just one 30 minute walk a day can reduce the effective calorie intake down to 3900 because a brisk 30 minute walk can help your body to burn up to 400 extra calories a day, then instead of gaining 30 pound more this year I will lose 10! No diet, no dangerous pills, no overpriced underused workout equipment!

Just one example of why moving your body everyday is so important!

So here is my daily report, got up and was at the Y by 5:05 am did 30 minutes on the treadmill, average heart rate was 155
Did 20 minutes on the elliptical, average heart rate was 156, that is a good hard 30 minute cardio workout. Weight training today was legs and low back, took about 20 minutes. With warmups and cool downs about an hour and fifteen minute workout.

Went to Pizza Hut for lunch with the ASP (vendor) guy, had two salads off of the salad bar and two slices of thin crust pizza, one veggie and one taco. Not my favorites but that is the only thin crust they had when I went up and thin crust is my favorite!
Soup beans and cornbread tonight for supper I think, unless Brandy changed her mind LOL

Have a Healthy day, and move your body!!

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